A review by mbenzz
Ever Cursed by Corey Ann Haydu


Wow...this was QUITE the feministic man-hating mess. I was really excited to read this book as I read and LOVED 'Eventown,' but this was a huge disappointment. The dialogue felt very juvenile, and a lot of pages were just feelings and emotions being repeated over and over, like the book needed to be 'filled out.'

What I loved about 'Eventown' was the overall positive message of the story. Unfortunately, the only message I got from 'Ever Cursed' is that all men are bad (seriously...ALL men in this are bad with the exception of Abbott) and only want to rape women and take power and control of all things.

That aside, though, I was still on board with the story for the majority of it. This was a solid three stars for me until about 87% of the way through. The ending was so ridiculous and so "We Are Women, Hear Us ROAR" that I just couldn't take it.

In the end, I'm going with two stars because it wasn't so bad it was unreadable. I read the entire thing, and while there were parts that were juvenile and repetitive, it wasn't a terrible story, but the ending is not good. It also kind of negates the ENTIRE plot since not all the items were acquired and handed over freely. And the crowns...for all women? No. Just....no.

My suggestion? Skip this. Yes, the cover is beautiful, but that's about all it has going for it.