A review by lanternsjourney
We Are Monsters by Brian Kirk


We Are Monsters is set in a mental hospital where an experimental drug to treat schizophrenia is tested out before it's ready. The results are the staff's worst nightmares come to life and Brian Kirk's writing style has you feeling like you're right there with them in their shared psychosis.

The only issue I had with the story is that it dragged a little bit about a quarter of the way through. Alex was my least favorite character, and he was the first character you really get to know. You learn more about Eli midway through (my favorite character) and finally Angela at the end. This felt strange to me at first, but it really ended up working for the story overall as the character's growth and story arcs were satisfying for me.

This book explores the fine line between sanity and insanity and how everyone has their own monsters that they try to suppress and cope with, whether society deems that coping as successful or not. Bottom line: I loved it. Give this one a read!