A review by punandprose
A Cowboy for Keeps by Jody Hedlund


Another nice, well thought-out story from Jody Hedlund. The relationship between Wyatt and Greta couldn't have been any sweeter. I always appreciate it when the MCs are given backgrounds and scars from the past to overcome. It adds authenticity to their relationship as the struggle to overcome their insecurities and as they learn to overcome these things together.

However, I became a bit bored with the obvious set up of miscommunication between the two that surely was going to cause trouble later on. Plus some late, nigh unto the end twists (but not really huge twists because they couldn't have been that huge with the amount of pages left and with the HEA that was sure to still come) were a tiny bit exhasperating... like at that late point in the story, there should be more resolution coming rather than conflict. Adding those particular conflicts that late in the story kind of Hallmark-ized the ending and then the HEA was a little rushed. And by the time it came, I wanted more affection between Wyatt and Greta, but that didn't happen and instead the ending was taken by the setting up of the next book in the series.

Oh well. I still mostly enjoyed this book. It has some super sweet moments, plus I thought Jody Hedlund did a great job including the Chrisitan elements. They were perfect, and because of those moments I have added this to my list of favorites despite the elements that bugged me.