A review by cj_mo_2222
The Night Caller by David Field


Seamstress/bookkeeper Esther Jacobs gets an unexpected job offer when selling a building she inherited. The purchaser, Helen Trenchard leads the National Women's Labour Alliance, which fights for better wages and safer working conditions for women, and asks Esther to be her assistant. Although she's engaged to be married, Esther is eager to accept the job to maintain her independence. However, women who have signed up for the alliance are being warned to quit, in a very creepy way. Now it's up to Esther, her fiancé Jack and his uncle Percy, both Scotland Yard detectives, to find out who is responsible before the perpetrator becomes even more dangerous.

"The Night Caller" is the second "Esther and Jack Enright" books and the Victorian England setting will appeal to fans of Anne Perry and Victoria Thompson. I've read the first in the series, which gives details on how Esther and Jack met, but new readers will be able to jump right in and enjoy this book. I was engaged in the story right from the beginning. The efforts on behalf of working-class women during this time is interesting and takes a sad turn as the story progresses.

I like Esther for her intelligence, independence, work ethic, and kindness. Jack is also smart, determined and has a great sense of humor. Uncle Percy is clever and non-judgmental. Together, the three of them make an unlikely, but effective investigation team. Their investigation is interesting as they search for clues individually and together. The case takes some unexpected turns and kept my interest until the very end. I wish more time would have been spent at the end focusing on the important event in Esther and Jack's life, but the ending was still satisfying. I'm looking to the third book that is coming out soon. In the future, I hope Esther can find the strength, with Jack's support, to stand up to Jack's sometimes overbearing mother as they go forward in their lives.

I received this book through the courtesy of Sapere Books. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.