A review by daumari
Valour and Vanity by Mary Robinette Kowal


It was sitting in my library pile, so I couldn't resist moving on to this one after finishing [b:Without a Summer|15793208|Without a Summer (Glamourist Histories, #3)|Mary Robinette Kowal|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359199328s/15793208.jpg|18147162]. Our glamourists Jane & Vincent take a trip to Venice to visit the island of Murano and its glassmakers, pursuing the idea of copying down a glamour in glass (like weaves in the Wheel of Time, glamours must usually be woven by an individual and don't really have a form for muggles to use... until potentially now). They make it to their destination, but are left penniless and stranded after
pirates and betrayal. You though this was a romance based on the cover? SURPRISE, it's artisans having to figure out how to start from the bottom up. They do catch a break and it quickly becomes a heist story (definitely felt the influence of [a:Brandon Sanderson|38550|Brandon Sanderson|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1394044556p2/38550.jpg], [a:Dan Wells|2740668|Dan Wells|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1269559505p2/2740668.jpg], and [a:Howard Tayler|516182|Howard Tayler|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-09ae6e5eb554f8a5ab0515c05488ea34.png]- Writing Excuses wooo).

I still feel like these are very short, but it *is* YA I believe...