A review by jesschaney
The Waking Dark by Robin Wasserman


This book promised chills and it definitely delivered in a very subtle Stephen King-ish way. King is the....well...King of the subtly creepy. He gets in your head and stirs up the demons hiding in the dark corners and leaves you with just really disturbing images. Wasserman does the same thing on a slightly less adult level. Although I definitely wouldn't classify this book as totally YA, I can tell how it is written with more care than King's book as if Wasserman was aware a younger audience may be reading. I was actually surprised reader the book that it was marketed as YA because I can't really picture anyone younger than maybe 16 reading it comfortably due to some of the creepy sexual content and disturbing violence. But maybe that's just my post-graduate adult brain talking.

My full review is here: