A review by andreag23
Inspiring Creativity Through Magick: How to Ritualize Your Art and Attract the Creative Spirit by Astrea Taylor

informative inspiring reflective


This is an excellent book if you aspire to become an artist – or are already one – and want to add that extra »oomph« to your art with magick. The book leads through the various stages of producing or performing art of all kinds (writing, painting/drawing, arts and crafts, sculpturing, acting, dancing, music …) following the four elements and casting a circle in the end, from the whispers of inspiration until finishing the artwork or performance.
The books gives a short overview about deities and other spiritual entities who are associated with different kinds of art, for instance the Greek muses or the ibero-american »Duende« spirit.
Astrea Taylor has also written interesting chapters about creative spirits, egregores of your art and how you can work magickally with these entities. There are several exercises, spells and a guided meditation included.
There are also lots of very practical, down-to-earth tips and tricks about revisioning your art, releasing it into the world (if that is your intention), about dealing with positive and negative critique, about creative blocks and why breaks from creating art are beneficial.
A very recommendable book for artists and magical practitioners.