A review by trusselltales
Drew by Allison Glock, T. Cooper


Such a promising premise, boy wakes up on morning of first day in high school to discover overnight he's changed into a girl: he's a member of a race of Changers, who are on the Earth for a special purpose...
...I was most excited by the possibilities of gender and identity that the premise of the book offered, rather than another save-the-world plot, but neither materialised. The Changer philosophy with its Bible and doctrines were way too cultish mumbo-jumbo for me, and seem to be completely pointless (obviously all to be revealed as there are three more books in the series).

Sadly the issues of identity and gender were stereotypically portrayed, without much fluidity of thinking, and took the easy way out.

On the plus side, Ethan/Drew's voice of teenage narrator did come across well, with a snipy juxtaposition of certainty and vulnerability.