A review by becca_ca_ca
Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw


I was given a copy of this book for an honest review, so here goes!

Last Memoria is an interesting concept about a young woman who can take the memories of people she touches (goodness, we’ve certainly all wished for that ability after a night out...). However, after being separated from her brother, she tries to meet back up with him, while avoiding her jailer King, who it appears used to enslave her.

This did a lot of back and forth travelling at the beginning, which I wasn’t a fan of. However, once that was over and the main storyline got underway, the pace picked up. It was also a narrative of two parts, from two different perspectives which also made this interesting to read. It wasn’t just our memory stealing protagonist we heard from, which made for some insightful storytelling.

AND THE ENDING! The switch in narrative made that twist at the end much more powerful.

Were there some issues? Yeah... but the world building, plot development and set up for the next one out weighed a line of corny dialogue here or there.

Will I be picking up the second one.
Worth a read :)