A review by stacys_books
Deep Sky by Patrick Lee


I'm giving this four stars even though I have some problems with the fact that there's so much backstory. I supposed that's natural in a plot as complex as this one. Perhaps there will be a fourth book in this series, making it a quartet.

In THE BREACH, ex-cop and ex-con Travis Chase stumbles on the Tangent, a shadowy government outfit protecting the Breach, a wormhole which occasionally spits out pieces of what could only be alien technology, it's all so advanced. Tangent studies these Entities, as they're called, but they only learn what they do, not why. Still, the Entities make pretty nifty tools for forwarding the plot.

I loved THE BREACH, the first book in this series. It kept me up long past my bedtime. I really liked GHOST COUNTRY, just as I like DEEP SKY. And I dug that the audience learns the plot pretty much as Travis does. Patrick Lee makes some very clever moves plot-wise, and he's a no-nonsense writer who tells the damn story.

Yet there's so much backstory, and much of it—too much of it—is revealed through dialogue in this installment of the trilogy. Even at what should be very tense points (main characters are in a mine shaft with bomb-wielding agents just outside the door), there's a huge amount of dialogue filling the MCs in on info they didn't have. Kind of took away from the intensity for me.