A review by labunnywtf
Manga Classics Great Expectations by Charles Dickens


Received via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

I literally just finished a re-read of the original Dickens, and I still can't tell if any real artistic liberties were taken here. Why can't my brain process classics? What is wrong with me?

Nevertheless, I really and truly enjoyed this manga. I'd read the similarly done version of The Scarlet Letter and was so blown away, so I was really excited for this one. And I think this is a must-read for anyone who, like me, isn't quite intelligent enough to read, understand, and enjoy classic novels.

The artwork is so gorgeous. Estella is breath taking, and Miss Haversham is beyond intimidating and actually kind of scary in some parts. The language and storyline flow so smoothly, it doesn't feel like you even need to have read the original. Kids needing to do book reports, maybe take note?

There are a few more of these Manga Classics out there, and I really want to get on the ball and read those originals so I can enjoy the Mangas, as well. Maybe I'll read the manga versions first, actually.