A review by kindlebabe
Horror Movie: A Novel by Paul Tremblay


I will just describe this book as dark and trippy. I was so anxious and excited to start this book. I am simply going to keep this review short and sweet and not because I wasn’t utterly obsessed with this book and it ticked all my boxes for what I was needing and wanting at that exact moment because YES IT DID but I just want you to read it because it calls out to you and because this too is just what you need. I don’t want to spoil it at all for you. This book played like a movie in my head for me as I read. I felt as though I was watching it AS I was reading it. LOVED THAT. I had all the feelings and emotions as I was reading. I had the sweaty palms, my heart was racing, I gasped throughout the book at parts, I was shocked and surprised at parts. This will take you through a rollercoaster of thoughts and feelings.

You follow a group of young adults who are determined to create their own horror movie but it was left incomplete and after decades tidbits of this film show up online and Hollywood reaches out to a living member of that group regarding completing the film but the thing is is…this film is “cursed” says majority but the story must be told, the real story. This book has plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes and I cannot wait for this books release and to share this with all of my book loving friends. This is a great one for the shelf for sure!!!

Thank you @netgalley and @williammorrow for the arc in exchange for my honest review.