A review by thisdadreads
Deceived: Star Wars Legends by Paul S. Kemp


Coruscant has fallen. The war between the Empire and Republic takes a drastic turn. A Sith leads the charge. A Jedi forges a path of vengeance. This is The Old Republic: Deceived, The Essential Legends Collection.

The Old Republic: Deceived, written by Paul S. Kemp, was published March 22, 2011 and is a tie-in to The Old Republic online game. The events of the novel take place in 3653 BBY, roughly 300 years after the events of The Old Republic: Revan. The two novels aren’t connected other than their respective places in The Old Republic chronology.

The Old Republic: Deceived focuses on two central characters, Darth Malgus and Jedi Knight Aryn Leneer. Malgus leads an attack on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, essentially tipping the scales in the favor of the Empire. Malgus’ passion for destruction is only matched by his love for Twi’lek Eleena Daru, a dangerous emotional state for a Sith of his stature and ambition. Leneer’s Master is a victim of Malgus’ attack and Aryn, a Force empath, is rocked to her core and makes it her mission to make Malgus pay. Also in the mix is Zeerid Korr, a former Republic soldier who finds himself entangled in a criminal organization called The Exchange. He’s in crushing debt and is doing all he can to work his way out for the benefit of his daughter. Zeerid’s code of honor starts to crumble as a spice run with the potential to wipe his slate clean is offered. Aryn and Zeerid have history, and their paths cross once again as both of them have their sights set on Coruscant, he to deliver spice, and her to kill Malgus. The central Jedi and Sith are both on emotional, deadly missions while the political cards are shuffled and a treaty of peace between the Empire and Republic is proposed. Malgus, Leneer and Korr seemingly will do whatever it takes to get what they want, but will it require everyone to touch the darkness to do so?

The Old Republic: Deceived is one of the most tense thrillers I’ve yet to read in the Star Wars universe. The book kicks off in an explosive way and doesn’t let up the entire time. Paul S. Kemp’s chapters are long, but he breaks them up with switches in perspectives to keep the tension high, a very effective literary technique. While there are some quite large galactic stakes at play in the book, the events of the story are relatively small; there is a small core group of characters who are impacted by the larger events going on, but it’s their individual aspirations and motivations that drive Deceived. It’s these smaller, more personal stories that often have the greatest emotional impact, and The Old Republic: Deceived has it in droves.

The book has elements of romance, intrigue, and action, but the story is never imbalanced. Kemp utilizes the romantic elements in brutal, heartbreaking ways, drawing readers in with a familiar trope, then surprising us with dramatic narrative twists. Kemp is masterful in his treatment of characters, allowing readers to quickly understand and connect with them, making the book hard to put down. His focus on a Jedi who struggles between her emotional ties and her commitment to the Order is beautiful, and is achingly human. We really feel the emotional toll that the death of Aryn’s master has on her, and even cheer her on as she marches towards avenging his death. It was a great change of pace to see a Jedi with raw human emotions and her arc was perilously thrilling.

The Old Republic: Deceived joined The Essential Legends Collection in November 2022, with artist Dominik Mayer once again providing cover art. Deceived continues Mayer’s geometric design also seen in Revan, with Malgus and Aryn going to battle with lightsabers ablaze.