A review by ianmcnamara
A Dog So Small by Philippa Pearce


Ben is keen for a dog and hopes that he'll get one for his Birthday after being promised one from his grandfather however when his birthday arrives he does not get the real thing but just a picture. When he realises he can't keep a dog in London he starts to create a dog so small that only he can see. That is when adventures begin.

After an accident makes the family re evaluate there lives and think about moving into a cleaner part of London the possibility of keeping one of his grand fathers puppies becomes a reality. However does ben really want a real dog or does he just want the wonderful idea of his chikiteto in his emagination?

This was a story of a boy wanting his hearts desire however when the reality is not what he hoped for can he learn to live with what he ends up with?

I thought this was a good story to teach children that what you expect is not always what you get however can still be just as enjoyible. Sometimes we may not end up with the very thing we've hoped for but what we do end up with can be exactly what we need. Ben had to learn this on his Journey when Brown was not the dog he'd cunjured up in his mind.

Did Ben accept Brown? you'll have to read the story to find out.

I liked the fact that the ending of the book was not all nicely tied up and stayed true to ben's uncertainty as a character. I remember reading this book as a teenager while at school and at the conclusion it stuck with me that things in life don't always occur the way we expect however it's only through my recent journey of personal development and a big change happening with one of the things i'm involved in made me want to pick up this book again as an adult as I was reminded of what it had taught me.

Ben was very self-centered as one of the reviews i've read on here states, however when we're children we're often that way specially when we want or think we want something so badly.