A review by books17
The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government's Secret Drone Warfare Program by The Staff of the Intercept, Jeremy Scahill


2020 is off to a good start!

This was very interesting. A lot of neat, and very disturbing, information about the United States' drone warfare, albeit now over 5 years out of date. Well written, and a lot of nice graphics and graphs for those of us who enjoy seeing things laid out visually.

In particular, the afterword by Glen Greenwald of Snowden fame is interesting, comparing the drone/remote killing policies of the Bush and Obama administrations which, considering how heavily Obama campaigned against indiscriminate remote killings during his election drive, were incredibly similar. I'm very interested to do some of my own research and see how things have gone since then.

The book is basically a collection of articles from The Intercept, so a lot of information is repeated several times which is a little annoying, and one of the major issues with drone warfare - the emotional health of their operators - isn't explored at all, which I found disappointing as that is something that interests me greatly.

Nevertheless, a good book - certainly worth the read.