A review by bobosbookbank
Demon You Love by L.A. Fiore


DEMON YOU LOVE is the second book in the Lost Boys series. I haven't read the first book yet but I'd recommend it because several of the secondary characters play a pivotal role and I think it would fill in some of the backstory. Though, it can still stand alone!

Anton Scalene is a charming, savvy businessman who owns a thriving restaurant/club. But his life hasn't always been so easy. Anton clawed his way to success from the very dark and dangerous underbelly of his childhood. He's still trying to extract himself from his past and he doesn't need a distraction like Piper. She's a young waitress just trying to care for her family and dreaming of becoming a dancer. Meeting Anton is a distraction she doesn't want yet neither Anton or Piper can resist the pull to the other.

Really, I could kick myself for not having read book one not only because I think it could have added more to this story but also because I love the characters that are Anton's family. And oh my goodness, let's talk about the enigmatic Anton for a moment! From the outside, he was simply a brooding bad boy wrapped in an expensive suit. But as the pieces of his life are revealed and as his romance with Piper blossoms, he becomes so. Much. More. Anton was my favorite kind of hero...the ANTI-HERO! An alpha who could take charge and kick ass with a marshmallow center and a heart of gold for his lady love. SWOON! Plus, Piper was such a strong character...loyal, sweet, loving, almost innocent. Anton often mentioned Piper's "light" and I couldn't agree more.

This was a hugely character driven story and I adored that! But if you also enjoy some suspense and mystery with your romance, you'll truly appreciate this book. Told from dual POVs with a happy ending. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.