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A review by per_fictionist
The Universe Is Expanding and So Am I by Carolyn Mackler


am pretty sure the first question that pops up in your mind is that ," Can I read this book as a standalone?". And the answer to that is YES. Definitely YES.

The Universe Is Expanding and So Am I , is a sequel to the Virginia Shreves series by Carolyn Mackler and as I haven't read the first book "  ", I didn't keep my expectations very high. And and and THE UNIVERSE IS EXPANDING made me rethink about picking up YA Contemporary books more often.

The protagonist Virginia also known as Gin is an overweight teenager who is struggling with her life. Being the youngest of the three siblings and having a perfect brother-sister elder duo doesn't make her life easier as she is constantly being pointed out of her imperfections and asked to up her game. The only solace she has is her boyfriend Froggy and her best friends Shannon and Alyssa. 

But Virginia is left distraught when she feels that her relationship with Froggy isn't working out and she doesn't feel the same way for him like she used to. Apart from that her tenuous relationship with her family worsens when her brother Bryon is accused of a date-rape and the whole family has to face the consequences. However in all this tragedy, Virginia finds someone to hold on to? A hope in her otherwise gloomy world? But will she be able to fight her parents to be with him? Will it be worth it?

I absolutely adored Virginia as a fat rep. She has her good days and days when she undermines herself but she isn't one to give up. She finds her humor in the most wackiest and awkward situations and that is something positive about her. I personally was hoping the book would be light considering it is a YA, but I am so glad that the author has put to light some of the rare issues that get sidelined otherwise. Bryon who is to be absolutely loathed for his stupidity also has his own part. to tell and it was commendable how Carolyn gives us both the sides of the story. 

Mackler, just takes the back seat and lets the story flow to the readers, without being judgmental and give us the story in an enjoyable manner.