A review by sam_hartwig
Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman


I have wanted to read this one for ages. Many years ago I took it home and couldn't get into it, then one day the audio book version was sitting on the shelf at the library and I thought I'd give it another go. It started off good but before long I found myself getting a little bored. The idea of an alternate world where dark-skinned people govern over the pale-skinned people was really interesting and gave lots of insight into racism and prejudice in society. I enjoyed the main story line but I didn't connect with the characters and I felt they weren't that well developed. Sephy was really irritating in the beginning and she didn't get any better towards the end. Callum was likable, I think because you can really feel what he's going through.

I felt like the romance between Sephy & Callum wasn't there, there was no spark and I didn't get any of those butterfly in the tummy feelings. The adventure was also lacking, a few things were a bit predictable and usually I don't pick up on things. Overall, it was a little bit of a let down.

The ending of the book was really disappointing, I'm a sucker for a happy ending and that's not what I got. I get that maybe the book was trying to show that society can be really backward and that you can't get away with doing bad things in your past, But I wasn't expecting that ending at all. I understand what the book was trying to achieve but for me I didn't really fall in love with this.

I had such mixed feeling after reading this, I didn't know what to think then and I don't know what to think now. I'll still read the next one to see what happens next mainly because I'm curious where the story will go.

{I'm probably not the best person to review this and I hate to say anything bad about a book that an author worked so hard to write but this is just my opinion, you should still give the book a go to prove me wrong}

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