A review by niamhmw
I Hate Men by Pauline Harmange


I can understand readers' constructive criticism about the lack of mentioning intersectionality specifically, but I do believe this book still holds value as a feminist.

Before reading this book, my idea of Misogyny and Misandry was indeed that they are two sides of the same coin. Now, I'm not so sure. I am developing my thoughts still- here is what I think so far...

Having to constantly deal with being called a Man hating feminist can be so draining, but this book's idgaf attitude is something to take note of. Having an instinctual fear or disliking of men is understandable considering all that we must go through on a day-to-day basis. It is not unreasonable. It is understandable. It is a consequence of their own actions. Misandry is a result of Misogyny.

* this does not mean hurt/erradicate/ be horrible to all men and whatnot but it means you are not alone in your fears and you aren't a bad person for having these instincts to keep your distance from a man just because he is a man.