A review by debr
Mink River by Brian Doyle


I would give this book six stars if I could. What a triumph of a novel. I agree with others- I haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time. Doyle's capacity for description, for worshipping nature through prose, and for creating characters who are so beautiful that you want them to come alive and befriend you- these aspects elevate his writing to a work of art. Although this book is wonderfully engaging, I found I actually could not read it for very long at one sitting, because it was like trying to eat 12 courses of dinner at once. His prose is rich, deep and powerful, and truly needs to be chewed on for a while, swallowed and digested before the next part can be taken in. This is a book that is deserving of a thoughtful, slow, and intense read- it will reward you greatly for your attention.