A review by kmparsons
The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht


This book was so underwhelming. Even though it is only 160 pages, it took me nearly a week to get through because I was so uninterested. The concept of this book, a misshapen creature created by magic and a magician getting revenge, was so interesting, but the execution was terrible. I felt like too much of the book centered on the romance. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good romance from time to time; however, I do not enjoy them when I am reading a horror book. I read descriptions of this book calling it “terrifying,” which it was not. Not even a single sentence in this book left me feeling scared or even nervous.
Another issue I had with us was the lack of explanation of the magic system. An author cannot just explain a complicated magic system in 1-2 pages and expect everything to be good. The characters felt flat and experienced no arcs, the plot was boring and anything that was interesting was glossed over, and overall, this was just not good.