A review by flamepea
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


“The world is not in your books and maps, it’s out there” — Gandalf

When I first decided to read The Hobbit I was expecting an action-packed and heavily detailed book. My expectations were completely reverted when I began reading the whimsical adventure known as “Or There and Back Again.”

Tolkein’s marvellous writing style gave me such joy to read it for the first time- the gorgeous simplicity, poetic descriptions and a very humorous cast of characters. The world-building was written incredibly well and my only complaint was the lack of elves!

We are first introduced to Hobbits: the unusual and amusing species. Closely related to Men with huge leathery feet. Although the Hobbits in the Shire find it abnormal to interact with elves and to explore the ‘Wilderland.’ Their ancestors scoured mountains and forests and were surprisingly adventurous despite the current stigma, especially the Took family.

I loved how surprisingly relatable Bilbo Baggins was. The juxtaposition between Bilbo’s rational side and the gnawing temptation to finally give in to his heart’s desires was written so well! Really all I would love to do is curl up and read a good book but given the unexpected chance to go on a fantastical journey my adventurous side would come through- or perhaps my hidden ‘Tookish’ side.

“Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.”

Gandalf The Wise
Although we do not learn a great amount about the mysterious wizard I love how interesting his character is. Before reading The Hobbit I had conjured up the stereotypical image of a wise old wizard. At first glance, he may seem so but unlike the usual mysterious figure, he doesn’t reveal much about what he knows and leaves many characters in the dark. When he makes an appearance he always makes an impression and has the best quotes!

Overall, The Hobbit is not a novel but a journey that humans, elves, hobbits and others can all enjoy at any age.