A review by janeeyre_914716
Plague by Michael Grant


Okay, this I forgot how much better it was than the third book [b:Lies|6686092|Lies (Gone, #3)|Michael Grant|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1257814886l/6686092._SY75_.jpg|6881422] and a little more "terrifying" with a particular character that was captured at the end and to continue their story. The twists and turns were great, it was hard to put down, and the ending was a great way to end this book and lead for the next book! I would totally recommend this series all over again so far, but heads up, it's not for everyone but if you like this kind of story and can handle some violence so basically as I described Gone being LOST, Lord of the Flies and X-Men all rolled into one, it actually makes for a pretty great YA sci-fi type of book.