A review by kattrent
Bent Heavens by Daniel Kraus


5 out of 5 Stars
I feel like it needs to be stated that books don't make me emotional. I love books that make me think, but usually they don't illicit raw emotions from me.
That was not the case for this novel. I felt a stinging relatability to Liv. I have also lost a parent, and I understand that anger, frustration, concern, and general pain of not understanding and knowing. It isn't something I would wish upon my worst enemy. This novel captured those emotions in a way I never hoped. It is crushing to see someone in so much pain, and not having a way to have a release from them spells trouble.
Everything about how the characters are portrayed was beautiful. Everyone is angry in some way. Some can express it more openly, and some come in bursts. But no one feels it the exact same, and that is perfectly seen here. Jealousy, rage, frustration, and feeling like a lack of control.
The novel as a novel is fantastic as well. The writing style fits well, and most things get explained well enough. The ending is left open enough to create a multitude of ideas, and I can't recommend it enough for young adults and adults.