A review by eyreguide
Doctor Who: Magic of the Angels by Jacqueline Rayner


This is a Quick Read adventure, but it packs in a very clever and entertaining story in just 110 pages! The Angels are of course brilliantly scary monsters and the author uses them to good effect. The idea of a magician using an Angel to create an ultimate disappearing act was a great one, and the danger that is always at hand when an Angel is loose made for some very tense moments in this story. The time travel aspect was also well done when the reader realizes what has happened to the assistants who have disappeared.

The author also captured the banter and camarderie of the Doctor, Amy and Rory very well and it was nice to see that Rory had an important role in the story, that he was very suited for because he's a nurse. I think the author made all the quirks of the characters work very well in the narrative and it made this a believable adventure for the trio.

It's too bad this is such a short read, but it does have some great moments - like the Doctor donning the Third Doctor's outfit! - and I would recommend this one to every Doctor Who fan!