A review by dc7
Martian Plague by Brandon Ellis


Ozzy Mack is the protagonist of Martian Plague and it’s been a long time since I disliked the main character of a book that much. In fact I can’t even remember the last time a protagonist was so annoying and unlikable. Ozzy is sexist and throughout the book he repeatedly calls women “sweetheart”, “wench”, “hot chick” and the like. It’s in stark contrast to his undying love for his daughter. He is also incompetent in many areas so he gets a female sidekick (who he calls “sweetheart”) to fix things for him, it left me thinking that she would have made a better main character.

The plot is fairly predictable and offers little new, the writing is okay. At least the story was fast-paced and never boring, so I was entertained throughout and that’s the only reason why I’m giving the book 2 stars. I can’t recommend Martian Plague.