A review by emmascr
The Christmas Swap by Sandy Barker


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Thank you to One more Chapter for my copy of this book via Netgalley and to Rachel for letting me be part of this tour. I love a good Christmas love story so I was excited to jump into this one.
The Holiday Swap follows 3 women who have been best friends for 22 years. Each one lives in a different part of the world. Chloe lives in Melbourne, Lucy lives in London and Jules in Colorado. The girls decide to switch places for Christmas. Chloe goes to London, Lucy goes to Colorado and Jules goes to Melbourne. The girls have such a close relationship for 3 that live so far apart.
I loved all three girls. They each have their own little quirks but I was so rooting for all of them. They are good genuine people who deserve to be happy.
Each chapter is about one of the three girls’ stories. I really liked that each chapter switched stories. I really got into each story and I was sad to switch stories but eager to carry on with each one too. It really kept me stuck in the book.
I whizzed through this book in under 24 hours. I just couldn’t put it down. I loved each of the girls Christmas’ but I think I liked Lucy’s the most. I would probably detest the cold but the big family with all the hot chocolate sounds right up my street. I’d love to spend time in a cabin with a real snowy Christmas. Snuggled up inside with my book and a hot cholate sounds perfect.
The joys of having 3 female leads in this story is that we got 3 gorgeous men for them to fall in love with. I’ll be honest I loved all of them. They were all so damn romantic that Sandy made it easy for me to fall in love with all 3 of them.
I so enjoyed my first book by Sandy and I will be looking up more of them. Sandy’s writing is full of heartwarming romance that we all definitely need in our lives.