A review by cjeverafter
The Clergyman's Wife: A Pride & Prejudice Novel by Molly Greeley


“When love finds her, she may choose it over prudence. And oh, I will make sure she knows how to recognize love when it arrives, even if it comes humbly, quietly.”

The Clergyman’s Wife by Molly Greeley is the book that inspired the January prompt of my self titled reading challenge: choosing books by their covers. If the lovely illustration wasn’t enough to catch my eye {though it was}, the fact that it also featured the tag line ‘A Pride & Prejudice Novel’ was enough to seal the deal for me.

I always wondered what became of Elizabeth Bennet’s friend and confidant, Charlotte Lucas after her less than romantic marriage to Mr. Collins in Austen’s classic, Pride & Prejudice. Societal norms all but forced her into a marriage to a most awkward man, but that can’t be the end of her story, can it?

I always thought Charlotte was smart & brave, that she deserved more and I very much enjoyed Greeley giving us a glimpse into the world of a clergyman’s wife several years into her marriage. This was a gentle, easy story about love, passion and circumstance. I would recommend this book to fans of Austen and historical fiction lovers alike.