A review by bookph1le
The Passage by Justin Cronin


I'm kind of torn about this one. I was quickly drawn into it. The author is really good at creating very intriguing characters, and at doling out bits of info in just the right amount.

However, the book was very long, and I think this was to its detriment. I don't mind reading a long book if it feels like the story matches the number of pages, but I didn't think this was always the case here. There were times when the length was exhaustive, when it seemed the author could have pared it down a lot. Essentially, he could have told the same story using far fewer words, and I think the book would have ultimately benefited.

I also found some flaws with the suspension of disbelief angle. The story in general is fantastical, but there were times when I found myself thinking, "Oh, come on!" There are events that happen that seem to defy all odds, which at times gave the book something of a soap opera quality. I definitely don't think this is what the author was going for.

This is obviously the first in a series, and I'm invested enough to care about what ultimately happens to the characters, so I think I'll likely read the next book--that is, if I don't read so much in the meantime that my interest in this series wanes, which is, frankly, a pretty real possibility.