A review by ramblingsofareader
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman


What should I say? I'll try my best and still won't do justice.

Childhood was never white for any of us. Not really black, but it had some grey patches. Some, we're still nursing until now.

For me, this was the book which made me understand the greyness more; the book which filled up holes in my heart, when any other book failed to do so.

I'm heartbroken now. Not because of the boy whose name I still don't know. But, because of our lost childhoods and how we're trapped now in this adulthood.

And I don't mind a hunger bird now, to eat up my heart, so I could grow a new one. But I guess I'll need a Lettie Hempstock, a rare breed.

Last but not least, thank you Nilmanie and Yasoda (I know you hate this though) for making me read this. I'm now on ny way to become a die hard Gaiman fan.

Concluding with a favorite quote. There are a lot, but this is the best.

"Books were safer than other people anyway."