A review by themelancholyofaliterarygirl
Gravitation, Volume 01 by Maki Murakami


It was okay, I did enjoy the read, but at the moment it's feels kinda rushed and fast paced, Shuichi's friend and sister makes some comments that I'm not fond of, Eiri can come off too aggressive, but at this point in my experience of reading bl, I'm used to it, at least he stops when told to and most of what he does I believe is because he's trying to scare off the main boy, get him to reveal the "real" reason he's hanging around and because he's used to that being what people want from him.

He doesn't seem to fully believe Shuichi just wants him for him and to be fair, I wouldn't either if I were in his shoes, homeboi doesn't even know anything about him yet and is claiming to be smitten.

Pretty hard to believe,but enough about that, so remember when I said it was fasted paced? Well another thing is that some times it also felt kinda over the place, one moment we're here at this scene thenext we're somewhere else and it's weird cause I don't think that the first scene was properly dealt with.

So that was pretty off putting and kinda confusing (possibly just me though I'll scroll through reviews and c4 myself xD)

Now as for the side characters, to me some of them were more entertaining than the mains, but hopefully that changes in the later Volumes, I mean it kinda does in Vol 2 (I already finished it by the time I am writing this review) so let us see in Vol 3 and onward.

The jokes and stuff that I mentioned about Shuichi's friend and sister making were r*pe and gang r*pe this is also done in volume 2, I don't mind dark humor, I have one myself, but these felt like they were poorly made given the circumstances (could be over thinking it they are close so it probably doesn't matter and they are young take that as you will).

That's pretty much all I can think of so see you in the next Volumes maybe?