A review by b00kr3vi3ws
The Ghost Hunters of Kurseong by Shweta Taneja


Let me get this one fact out of the way at the very beginning. I have spent the best part of my life in Kurseong – the school days. I love Kurseong more than the city I currently reside in and even more than my hometown. So, the moment I got the packing paper out of the way and discovered the title of this book, I started reading it. This book got to skip some 10-12 books on my TBR pile just because of the word ‘Kurseong’ in its title – so I may be a bit biased about it too.

When Kartik’s mother decides to move to the quaint town of Kurseong from the bustling city of Mumbai, he rebels. As any kid, he is worried about leaving behind everything familiar to move to a new place that is pole opposite to what he is used to. His main concern is if there is internet facility in Kurseong and what are the entertainment facilities there. Little does he know that an adventure is awaiting his arrival. Even before they enter the town, they are accosted by a scared man on the road. As they give him a lift to the town, Kartik’s adventure begins to unfold.

Having grown up in Kurseong where internet came in when I cleared my first board exam (and even then it was slow as a snail and as expensive as Rs.60 per hour) and only moving back to my home town after graduating college, I realised the difference between the life that I had led and the lives of my peers in the city. To tell the truth, I have never even held an xbox in my hand and cable tv was a luxury that I enjoyed during my vacations at home – I was glad that I had led a carefree life of outdoor sports & the beauty of nature for company for recreation instead of being cooped up inside with various gadgets and number of private tutors. So the moment the book starts with Kartik’s insecurities about what he was leaving behind, I could connect with him.

Kartik, Opus and Tashi takes us on an adventure that will not fail to remind you of the Famous Five. The open minded and curious kids take on a journey that only they can take because of their curious nature and the clean slate that their mind is without the preconceived notions that the adults have. Nothing they do will make you think that how can a kid do that and their brave stint will have your cheer for them. The setting being the beautiful town that Kurseong is, it will draw you in with the lure that pure natural beauty holds can provide us. The author has managed to capture it quiet well if not completely. Keeping in mind that this book is targeted towards the younger mind, her language is just perfect. However, I had this odd feeling that something was missing and it could be the flow in the story that had a certain off-beat feel.

Overall, it was fun and entertaining and makes for a real good read for the younger generation.