A review by trish204
The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip Carr-Gomm


As with the previous book about oracle cards I also have to say here that I do not believe in oracles or the Tarot. I bought this set containing the card deck as well as a book with instructions because the deck was so very beautiful.

The book:
The book was written by the same authors that also wrote and published the book about oracle cards that I've finished only yesterday - and one notices.
Here as well as in the other book the single cards are being described with key words, the cards' meanings and reversed meanings. Moreover, the authors give the reader detailed descriptions of the cards' groups, origins as well as background information on the druidic myths from which their meaning seemingly comes. At the very end of the book there are also some exemplary spreads and how to read them.

The card deck:
I have looked at quite a lot of tarot cards ever since I saw a beautiful deck on TV (which turned out not be an actual tarot deck at all *lol*) but not one of the decks was as beautiful as this. Maybe it's the natural theme and the fact that I like the colour green so much or maybe the pictures, inspired by celtic myths, are simply appealing to me. Anyway, every single card is very beautiful and rich in amazing details.
Some things are slightly different than in classical tarot decks though. Cards VIII and XI are switched and some have different names but I don't find that disturbing. The cards are made to a certain theme so the names were made to fit that theme as well.

One star I deducted because this card deck (just like the oracle card deck) is oversized which makes it more difficult to handle. I myself don't really mind since I don't deal the deck as such (as I said, I don't believe in it) and the bigger cards allow for bigger images which in turn gives me more to look at. :-)