A review by amym84
Blameless by Gail Carriger


After the explosive ending of [b:Changeless|6933876|Changeless (Parasol Protectorate, #2)|Gail Carriger|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1292566141s/6933876.jpg|7165488], I was really happy that I waited to read this series until all the books were out. I was really interested to see what would become of Alexia. While i did enjoy this book, I missed the interactions between Lord and Lady Maccon. Plus there was the fact that our dear Lord Akeldama was out of the picture for most of the book as well. She did have Madam Lefoux along for her adventure and I really do like the inventor so it was nice to see her again.

This book really took Alexia and cast her out of her already established place. True, in Chageless she leaves London to go to Scotland, but she was traveling with friends and she was going to meet up with Conall. Here, she leaves London for Italy with no Ivy, Conall, or Akeldama. She's in a completely different setting with characters that we haven't gotten to learn too much about at this point. The good side of this is the fact that we do get to learn more about Madam Lefoux and Floote, whose devotion to Alexia I've always liked.

I will say that I enjoyed the fact that Professor Lyall got more page time to himself in this book. With Lord Maccon not mentally fit to do anything,it's obvious that Lyall would have to take up the reigns.

After Alexia discovers her delicate condition, along with the rest of London, she's considered a scandal in Lonodn society and even her own family (although not surprising) casts her out. When somone tries for her life (again) she thinks that maybe a change of location would be best. She decides on Italy and we finally get to meet the often mentioned Templars. Let me tell you I was not impressed and Alexia probably wasn't either. We did get to learn a lot more about her preternatural state and I can kind of see threads of storylines that will lead us to the conclusion.

I continue to adore the world the Gail Carriger had created. One of the only things I have small issue with was the easy resolution at the end. I didn't want anything to be dragged out, but sometimes when it comes to Alexia I find her lack of emotions a little irritating. I know this is blamed on her not having a soul, but it seems to me that there are times when the reader can tell she cares for something very much, but won't admit to it, and I feel like her lack of emotion in this case was the same. I would have liked to have seen her a little more out of her element in this case. She had some very dramatic and heartbreaking things happen to her over the past few weeks and I don't think it would have hurt to really let Conall know just what he did to her. I just don't really think he understands.

Regardless, I look forward to continuing the series and look forward to other books written in this world. Until Then!