A review by kcsunshine25
Insatiable, Book Two by J.D. Hawkins


How are the mighty fallen?

Poor Jax - I revelled in him being crest fallen because a girl dumped him. Mr, I've got a Ferrari and the Hulk in my pants reduced to Mr sad face.

I absolutely pissed my pants at the dating advice he gave Lizzie. Basically, wear a cardigan, tell him you want a Walton sized family, and cook him bland food. He should have added, what ever you do, do not attempt any kind of French kissing.

I'm not going to say how that dating advice worked out but fuck me I am buying a cardi and getting a picket pence.

JD says he's not into geek - ha ha busted! Dr Who reference in this one, Star Wars in part one. He despises Apple too. La la la. Not listening.

Serious now. JD is a refreshing new author. He might be a bit of a bulldog in that he charges in without thought for time line. Come on dudes it's fiction, not real life.

The release of part 2 (yes always knew that there were 2 parts - get with the programme (UK spelling)) came at a perfect time for me. I needed a laugh out loud sexfest and the two parts combined delivered.

So, Brando, you and me, picnic on the beach, you surf, I sunbathe and read all about you? Beats a corporate cubicle any day.