A review by reader4evr
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau


Finally a book that is so similar to Hunger Games and Divergent that the kids will be on waiting lists waiting for this book!

I was kind of heistant in the beginning because I felt it was so similar to those books but I ended up liking it a lot better. The thing I liked about this book was that most of the chapters ended in cliffhangers and left me wanting to read more. Also the ending had a cliffhanger! I have been finding that some 1st in a series that I have been reading don't have that ending I crave. Why write a trilogy and not have a cliffhanger at the end of your first book?

I liked the main character, Cia, and was on her side throughout the whole book. Comparing her to Katniss, she had much more compassion for others in the story and I liked that about her. Sometimes when she reacted with her feelings instead of what was right, I wanted to yell at her! I wasn't too thrilled that she had a love interest in the story but it was kind of a twisted relationship because of what Cia found out at the end.

I liked how all of the different stages of the testing were a little bit different. This book was not super bloody and gory like HG and Divergent but it still had it gross factors.

I am interested in finding out what happens in the 2nd book.