A review by danielles_reads
Small Gods by Terry Pratchett

Did not finish book. Stopped at 52%.
DNF @ 52%

I’ve been reading this for 9 days now and have barely managed to make it halfway through… the last few days I’ve only read 15ish pages a day and it has kind of felt like a chore.

Halfway through the book and barely anything has happened? There is no driving force to the plot other than Om’s goal to return to his full form (though side note: the narrative uses both he/him and it/its pronouns for Om and it’s confusing). But since Om is hiding so much from Brutha and the reader, I don’t know how he plans to accomplish that, so right now the book is feeling super aimless. Plus, Brutha is such a blank slate of a character and is so boring as a result.

I did like the satire on religion but it’s not enough to carry an entire book for me. Every time I put this down I had no desire to pick it up again and I’m really focusing on honoring that feeling this year and DNFing. This is the second Discworld book I’ve tried and it’s even more underwhelming than the first. I plan to eventually try Guards! Guards! next but if I don’t like that one I’m giving up on this series.