A review by mzjai117
Godless by Dan Barker


3.5 Stars
I listened to this book on Audible, it was read by the author himself. Some of my immediate reactions were that the author sounded like he had something in his mouth or that his his dentures were moving around. Then I realized it's probably his microphone picking all that up. It was frustrating. That's the only bad thing I can say about the book.

I gave this book book 3 .5 stars because by the end of it I really liked it. I really thought he would talk more about his life overall and his personal experience with leaving Christianity. I also liked that he gave numerous scriptures that showed the many inaccuracies within the bible. Towards the middle of the book it started reminding me of the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I also liked that he gave the Greek words for certain words within the scriptures and showed how different versions of the bible used them to mean different things and how they could change the whole meaning of a particular scripture. The author also provided historical evidence against the possibility of Jesus by giving historical discrepancies from ancient writers.
I'm happy that he pointed out how certain verses of the bible have been used to support slavery(which I already knew)
How the new testament is second hand data written 60-80 years after the supposed crucifixion and how Paul never talks about Jesus historically.