A review by bibliophile80
Uprooted by Naomi Novik


Recommendation from the Writing Excuses podcast
This is not my usual type of book. I'm not normally into fantasy and wizardry beyond Harry Potter, but I really enjoyed this one. The author crafted a solid fantasy world and brought me along for the ride, without dumping a ton of world-building information right up front. Uprooted was like something straight out of Grimms' Fairy Tales, which is not surprising given that the Grimms served as a primary inspiration. I really wasn't sure where the story was going when it began, but I loved following the twists and turns and deep-rooted magic encountered by the protagonist. The development of the plot mimicked the path a tree's roots might follow. Her personal growth was also immensely satisfying, and even the very few (two, maybe) sexual scenes felt appropriate and integrated, though still graphic. I'd be surprised if fantasy fans were disappointed, and others might find a new favorite genre with this one.