A review by meghapatel
There's Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon


Wow, wow, wow!! Freaking wow!

Honestly, how can I not give this book anything but 5 stars. Matter of fact, I would give it a million! Obviously.

I mean what more can you want from a book than for it to be extremely adorable and a swoon-fest along with an important message. This book is not just about a cute romance but it also digs deep into self love and worth. It teaches us we are enough the way we are. The society may create a gap between “thin” and “fat” but at the end of the day we are all equal. We can achieve whatever we want though our will and not our weight.

Sweetie is confident and fierce. I loved her from page one. She is a force of nature that just keeps getting better and better. She knew what she was worth form the beginning and proved it to everyone else too. I loved how she never once self pitied. She is strong and independent and just a total badass with a heart of gold.

Ashish Patel may seem all cool and confident from the outside but inside he is struggling. It sure did get a little warming up to him but once I started to know him, I fell hard! He is like the sweetest person. He is caring, kind, and just adorable.

And their duo is out of the world. I shipped them from the get go. And every interaction they had just solidified that. Their exchanges were OBVIOUSLY delightful. They fit and complete each other so well. They are literally made for each other.

This was one of my most anticipated book of the year and I can gladly say that it did not disappoint. Not that I expected anything less form Sandhya Menon but she blew my expectations away and created a masterpiece. Sandhya Menon has managed to be one of my favorite authors in a very short time. I love her writing style, the humor, and the care she pours in it. I find myself literally laughing out loud from all the hilarious dialogues she includes. And of course, all the Indian aspects just makes my heart happy. All the tiny details she includes about the Indian culture. I LOVE it!! Plus, she included a Selena Gomez reference so what more can I want!

There’s Something About Sweetie will engross you completely. It’s a journey, it will make you happy, laugh, cry, swoon, and a little mad. All you’ll think about is Sweetie and Ashish. They will constantly make you smile form ear to ear. There is nothing but utter joy and happiness in this book. I absolutely love it so, so much!! 100% recommend to everyone.

All the opinions are my own and completely honest. Thank you to Simon & Schuster for the ARC!!