A review by juliemawesome
Planetes, Book 4.2 by Makoto Yukimura


This is the final volume of Planetes. It wraps everything up. Sort of.

No, really, if I thought this manga series was going somewhere, I was mistaken! Sure, they get to Jupiter. But um.. then, so what? Nothing felt at all wrapped up. But not exactly that there were loose plot threads. Just that characters were doing stuff. And they'll continue to go on doing stuff.

At the end, it felt more like a snapshot of the future than any actual story.

The last dozen pages or so are a timeline, backhistory from the 2000s to the 2070s of the story. It would've been nice to have this around volume 2, if it was going to be included at all. I may have understood a bit better what was going on.

So, just, bleh. Oh, and the typos and random color/non-color starts of chapters continued. Bleh.