A review by yazzy101
Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly


Ok so I gotta admit I was a little disappointed by this book. I really wanted to love it and therefore was disappointed when it didn’t reach those expectations.
Firstly, I’ll admit I thought this book would have a way different plot. I thought they’d be married pretty early on and throughout their marriage deal with Danilo’s anger towards Remo and Fina. Thinking about it now I don’t really know why I expected him to be so angry after like 10 years while waiting for Sofia to come of age. Like that’s a really long time to be count up in a moment. Basically what I’m saying is that I expected this book to be a lot more about Danilo falling in love with Sofia. But like the vast majority of it was Sofia comparing herself to her sister. There wasn’t really much more to Sofia’s story besides her not really ever getting over it. Danilo was pretty much the same expect he was also cute with his sister. Like Sofia literally spent the book obsessing over Danilo - a man she didn’t actually know and maybe spend a total of like the parties with during the almost 10 years between Fina being kidnapped and her wedding; or comparing herself to said sister. It was just a lot.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I want more mafia stuff in these books. Like honestly without seeing the guy in these books being a dangerous badass like I might as well be reading any other romance book. Like there wasn’t even mention of a gun, or shitty parenting, or anything like that in this book. Like Luca wouldn’t sleep without a gun, Mateo always had knives on him, the Falcones literally had fightclub and were constantly working out or going to work. Like where is all that in this book. I get the outfit is trying to be more political or whatever, but I felt Danilo’s rage was the perfect excuse to fuck some shit you. You know.
I will admit tho I did like the relationship Danilo and Sofia developed at the end of the book. The seemed to really work at being together and sharing thing and working for their love together. It was quite sweet. It was a little abrupt tho. It seemed almost like Danilo didn’t need to work to hard to get Sofia to trust him again or get over the whole Fina thing or whatever. Like I feel like he needed to grovel a little more. Especially with the way Sofia’s first time went. I just felt it was lacking a little. Like they jumped from Sofia being obsessed then kinda hating him, then him not even giving any shits about her to being basically in love with her. Like I think I wanted her to hate him a little longer and for them to fall slowly after he’d work to make it better.
I will admit I loved most of the side characters. Anna was pretty cool, though I felt like she knew more about everything then she should since she’s even younger than Sofia. Like she seemed weirdly wise and grown up, it was a little weird for someone who was never older than 17 throughout the book. And I loved the sibling seems with her and her brother and sister. They were the best.
I also really liked Emma. She was adorable and I really want her to be happy with Samuel, but he seemed like he was so upset with the arrangement he wouldn’t even give her a chance. And that kinda sucked. Like I get it’s arranged but like would should at least be friends or try to be. She was really sweet and I already know she deserves better. And I loved the relationship she had with Danilo. They were so cute together. You could tell he just loves her so purely and her him. Like there was no sibling rivalry, it was just them wanted the other to be happy.
I could probably go on and on but I won’t. Overall a good book. But could and probably should have been way better.