A review by heyhelloheather
ニセコイ 1 [Fake Love 1] by Naoshi Komi


Complicated love is in the air now that VIZ Media has released the digital version of Nisekoi on their iPad app known as VIZ Manga. Without a doubt it's an interesting series with amazing art that looks gorgeous on their app. A classic tale of two characters forced by their fathers to pretend to be lovers to stop a possible war from breaking out between their two gangs. It sounds a little like the classic series Ranma 1/2 and without a doubt should the author continue down the path he's currently on: the series will become a hit.

A nice twist to the series is that the main character, Raku, isn't like Ranma at all. He's genuine in his feelings towards Onodera and she seems to share those feelings - they're just not aware of the other's feelings. It's a nice twist considering the male lead always seems to be (from the beginning) swarmed by his female classmates who adore him, and he either plays it up, or remains blissfully unaware of it while he has eyes for one particular girl. A bonus is that the mystery of the giver Raku's necklace remains a vital part of the story, though not the main focus. It's a mystery that will slowly unfold as the chapters pass and without a doubt it may seem like a simple sub-plot, though things will hardly be simple as we're meant to think. But what really shines is the main plot of Nisekoi - Raku and gangster girl Chitoge's false love that was set up by their fathers. It's a plot line that won't get old and will probably only become complicated should the two develop any feelings between them. It's a fun a light series with no overly serious bits. There's a nice mix of action with drama and romance so it's a nice balance for everyone of every taste.

However it'll be a wait and see moment to find out of this will be a series where all the girls will love the main character with none of the other boys able to shine.

The characters are full of life and are a joy to read. Raku is a sweet boy who both dislikes and is horrible at fighting. He's not always perfect and can act unlikeable at times while Chitoge is brash, hardly a pushover and is very straightforward in regards to her feelings. But what I like is that in the first volume, we've already seen so many sides of her. Her gentle side for example: when Raku wonders about his pendant girl, Chitoge comforts him, pointing out she thought it was romantic. While we may see her more violent side, she plays an excellent foil to both Raku and Onodera, who both are less inclined to resort to violence. Onodera meanwhile, is the standard girl next-door who hardly stands out. If anything, her lack of a dynamic personality (like Chitoge's) pushes her into the shadows, but when she reveals that she has a key (whether it fits into Raku's pendant is still up in the air) she begins to take on a bigger role and to the readers, Onodera begins to stand out from the two dominating personalities in the series.

While we're only just getting into the series, Claude does a fantastic job of trying to act as the foil. He wants to discover if his boss' daughter is truly in love with Raku or if it's false. He'll do anything to achieve this and it can make for a laugh but without a doubt, it'll become old and tiresome should he be a constant presence. This is the same for their gang members who often seem to follow the two on their "dates". However, I should note that for the first volume, this is a nice touch though it will become tiresome if it's present throughout the series. Regardless, their dedication to Raku and Chitoge is hilarious and for them to try and act as both an emotional support and friend is a nice touch.

As I noted before, Nisekoi is an exclusive on the VIZ Manga app and something I find unique. For the most part, VIZ likes to release something on their app first that thena print edition usually follows. when Nisekoi was annouced, they announced it soley for their app. This may hinder sales due to some who prefer the physical copy but it doesn't actually hurt the manga's look. The artwork on the app looks amazing and is high quality throughout. You know without a doubt what you're looking at and I love that both Raku and Chitoge are not only different in their personalities, but their looks as well. Raku carries darker tones and Chitoge herself is light and airy. Action scenes are dynamic and hardly awkward, unlike in D.Gray-man. The lettering is clear, crisp and the artwork looks phenomenal. Tones are clear, separating the background from the characters and the characters from each other making it easy on the eyes for app lovers.

While Nisekoi may appear to be a cliche, shonen version of Ranma 1/2, it will no doubt turn into something amazing. With two dynamic leads, a host of comedic support characters, crisp art, and a love that could go either way, it's a series for any fan that loves a delicate balance of comedy, romance and drama in their manga collection.