A review by mandylovestoread
The Frenchman by Jack Beaumont


In 2021, I heard Jack Beaumont talk at Bad Crime in Sydney. I was fascinated by his stories, as an former spy in France. I bought The Frenchman and my husband snapped it up. His review:

A spy thriller written by a former spy.

This is a fast paced story of Alec de Payns, an operative in the secretive Y division of the DGSE, France's foreign intelligence service.

It is a well written and informative tale of what happens when a well prepared routine mission goes wrong, and the consequences for Alec, his family and his co workers.

The story feels real, less James Bond, more real world, and as it is written by an insider, is gives it a depth with real world know how.

Really enjoyed it, even if I had to look up the odd French word!