A review by ericarobyn
Cabins: A Short Story by R.F. Blackstone


Cabins: A Short Story by R.F. Blackstone is a quick 47-page tale that’s a wonderful nod to slasher films! It was eerie, it was gore-filled, and it had a wonderful twist.

This is one that you don’t want to miss if you’re a horror fan!

When the story begins, we see a bunch of teens partying in the cabin. The music is loud, there’s a kid hiding in a closet just trying to read his comics, and two teens are getting frisky in the bedroom, not knowing that the closet was already occupied.

Suddenly the music cuts out, and people start screaming. The two going at it are too occupied to notice that anything is wrong until someone starts pounding on the door. What’s on the other side isn’t just a buddy trying to interrupt…

Flash forward a bit and we meet two detectives as they are on the way to a crime scene. But will they be able to gather the evidence they need and get away from the scene before it’s too late?

This story started out with a sex scene that wasn’t really up my alley. Luckily, it took a quick turn into horror and then I was hooked!

This author was new for me, but I have to note that I absolutely loved his ability to do gore without it being too over the top. I felt that the mix of the brutality and story were very well balanced. Don’t get me wrong, I was definitely cringing at times, but I also couldn’t stop reading because I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next!

I mean, we all know that there’s just something about cabins in the woods for me…

My Favorite Passages:
The door was ripped from its hinges and a hulking form blocked the light. The young woman didn’t bother looking at the thing that had killed her lover; she was resigned to her fate.

There was something about this cabin, like every single other cabin they had been to, that creeped him out. It made his skin want to crawl off of his body and hide in a dark corner until someone told him everything would be okay and that yes, Santa and the Easter Bunny were real and nothing could get him. But he knew for a fact that this was life, horrible and frightening at the same time.

My Final Thoughts:
I had so much fun reading this quick short story! I loved that it kept getting more and more strange as the tale progressed. This is definitely one that I will be returning to again soon!

I highly recommend this one to those that love slasher novels with a dash of weirdness.