A review by jaimie_lynn
Eat, Pray, #FML by Gabrielle Stone

Did not finish book.
DNF at 20%.

I had high hopes for this book because it sounded really interesting. It even started out ok. Then Javier came into the picture and the texts were so cringey I started skipping over them and started hating the book.

So basically Gabs was married to a guy who cheated on her, got a divorce, and instantly fell in love with another guy months later. They decided to go to Europe together and SHOCKER, after a whirl wind romance (that lasted a month), he decided to go alone. I stopped reading before she went on her solo trip. Since I was hating the book, I came to read reviews to see if it gets better but the massive amount of 1 stars reaffirms just how awful this chick is. So I'm over it and done.

The writing is terrible and she thinks WAY to highly of herself.