A review by nikkisbooknook
Bewitched by the Alpha by Bryce Evans


Arden is living with his family's curse, after a vengeful witch held his father responsible for the suicide of her daughter who had wanted to become a werewolf. His father was to have killed his son by his own hands but he was saved by his mother. Ever since he has hated the The Council who sent in Death Hunters to kill his father.

Being an alpha is not easy and a rogue pack of wolves isn't making it any easier.

Finley Egan is a veteran but military life didn't prepare him for being bitten by a werewolf!!! But he is not the only human who has been attacked and Arden is called on to help.

Quinn has plans to revamp a local store and bring in business from the nearer larger towns. Quinn fought back when she was attacked but learning she is now a werewolf has twisted her brain and she is struggling with her new reality. But how will the pack react when they realise that Quinn is more than just a newly turned human..she is also a witch, something which their pack hates!!!!

The suspense cranks up with the arrival of The Death Hunters and Quinns warlock/wizard brother and challenges are issued forthwith to both Arden and Quinn from unlikely sources.

Another great read from Bryce Evans. I'm loving this new world and can't wait to see more!!!

I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.