A review by em_thebookish_girl
The New Order (Behind the Wall, #2). by Roxanna C Revell


Eve's journey continues on in The New Order. A whirlwind of emotions; Eve is feeling lost, she's grieving, hurt and angry. With her quick thinking, Eve found a way to leave The Beneath; she disappeared, finding sanctuary in The New Order. With her true love, Noah, they picked up new identities; she's a new person, no one knows who she truly is. As each day passes by, Eve is slowly and carefully setting up her plan. She's out for blood; she wants vengeance. And she won't stop until everyone who irrevocably hurt her pays.

The New Order was one of my October anticipated reads, and wow... Okay, if you are like me where you don't really read many dystopian novels, or you aren't a huge fan of this genre, or, it's simply outside of your comfort zone, please read this fantastic series!! Roxanna C. Revell storytelling skills is phenomenal! I mean, I was well aware that this read was going be amazing, but Roxanna C. Revell you exceed my expectations!! I was drawn in to the story from the very first page! And I was held captive as I turned each page, hence I needed to know more! My goodness!! The last few chapters!! And the ending?!! Word of advice, if you do plan to read this book, read it over the weekend or when don't have any plans the next day. Because, it will keep you up until late just to finish it (believe me, I'm speaking from experience).

Its multiple POV, however, its mainly navigated from Eve's perspective. It was interesting geting an insight to David's (Noah's older brother) character. He's a character which will leave you conflicted throughout the book.  I was indecisive about whether I liked him or not, and I kept going back and forth on my decision. Please keep in mind there are certain triggers, which might be unsettling for some readers to read. A read that will keep you on edge of your seat. A bit of suspense with quite a few steamy scenes. If you enjoy heroines seeking revenge, dark romances, characters where you can relate as well as characters that you'll come to hate-to-love or vice versa, then this read is definitely for you! (Book #1 The Beneath must be read first)

I was *literally* blown away! Eve's character evolved to another level; she was already a strong willed badass character, but it's more prominent in this book. But at the same time, Eve is struggling to find her old self; the darkness that is lurking beneath is slowly taking a hold of her. But instead of pushing the darkness deep within her soul, she embraces it. To others Eve can be seen on being on the wrong path, but she can't forget easily what happened; what she truly experienced. And there's Noah, he can easily see the changes taking place in Eve; it's like looking into a mirror, projecting the same image of himself. In "The Beneath" Eve was seen as a "mother figure" to her brother Adam. She's fiercely protective and loyal to the people she cares about. But, when terrible and unexpected incidents happened back-to-back, years of repressed emotions were brought back to the surface. An awakening occurred, it forced Eve to really look at the bigger picture. Eve is going to be The Council's downfall.

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review