A review by cmarley
Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare


Give me the Last Hours and the Wicked Powers nowwww

I did enjoy this book, the shadowhunter series is a guilty pleasure of mine since i'm not interested in the YA genre really anymore. I'm just so attached to some of the characters though so i have to keep reading! There were a lot of aspects of this book that i really enjoyed but there were a lot that i....didn't.
Spoiler As much as all the lovey-dovey character relationships make me real happy sometimes, quite a lot of the time it is so cringe omg i can't not scoff.. everyone is so dramatic! However it is YA so it's to be expected tbh. Also i really wasn't a fan of the whole Thule segment....i'm not sure why? I think it was just a bit too dystopian and i really want to see the back of that whole genre.. It did give the opportunity for really nice scenes however between Julian and Livvy etc and with Ty later, i thought all the moments to do with the Blackthorn family trying to work through their grief was really well done actually, i teared up a few times.

Overall though i did really enjoy this series and am glad everyone had their little happy endings (even if it was very 'safe') but one more thing...... fair enough Alec being elected Consul, but why on earth was Diego asked to be inquisitor?? he is like 18/19 or something?? like come on i know he is one of the good guys/friend of the main characters but like he is way too young for that job man