A review by islandgeekgirl
A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink


Rose Darrow always planned to get off her family's farm when she graduated but a tragedy puts her dreams on hold as she's suddenly managing the farm. Bodhi Lowell has been moving from town to town, job to job, ever since he left home as a kid and even before he starts his summer job on the Darrow farm, he's thinking about what's next. Until Rose and Bodhi meet, sparks fly, and they both find themselves questioning what they thought they wanted - and what summer's end will mean.

This was a cute, quick read that had a lot of heartbreak to it that kept it from being what I would call a light read. I enjoyed the alternating POVs and getting to know each character and how they affected the two main characters. The character dynamics and the growth were a big highlight of the book.

I liked both main character equally, which was another plus for the book. There wasn't a time in Rose's POV that I was wishing I was in Bodhi's, or vice versa. I thought they were both interesting people whose growth arcs as they worked to overcome the circumstances they'd been dealt. Rose has lost her mother recently and was doing her best to keep the farm running while her father struggled with his grief, which didn't leave Rose time for her own feelings. Bodhi was trying to leave behind his deadbeat father and avoided putting down any kind of roots anywhere. They clashed straight away but slowly started to come to respect each other and open up to each other.

The book was set mostly during the summer but the romance between Rose and Bodhi never felt like a summer fling to me. Maybe it was because they both were so independent and focused on their jobs, both so serious. The romance was slow and I liked the development from co-workers to friends to romance. It was done in a realistic way.

The setting of the small town was great. I loved the sense of community everyone had, taking care of each other, knowing everyone's business. The farm was a really good home base for the plot and I really appreciated all the mentions of the farm's routines, how it ran, how hard the work was, how the workers were a family.

It didn't take long to read and I got really absorbed into the story. It was a really good option for a less light summer-y read.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.